Sounds of Liberty to Perform at GOP Pre-Debate Party

Sounds of Liberty will be performing at a pre-debate party for the GOP presidential debate in Orlando, Fla., on Thursday, Sept. 22.

The debate is being hosted by Fox News and the Florida Republican Party; the pre-debate party is being sponsored by the Faith and Freedom Coalition. The nine GOP candidates for president will be attending, as well as other politicians and dignitaries.

Sounds of Liberty is Liberty’s premier traveling ministry team. The six vocalists and six-piece band will be performing seven numbers during the two-hour event, in between each candidate speaking. An estimated 3,000 will be in attendance.

Scott Bullman, Director of Ministry Teams at Liberty, said the group will be doing mostly upbeat worship songs. He said he is excited about this opportunity to gain national exposure for Liberty University.

Previously, the group’s largest performance was at the Restoring Honor Glenn Beck rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. last year, with an estimated 300,000 in attendance.

The group performs during the March for Life on the Mall in Washington every year.

They will be performing in the Sept. 28 convocation at Liberty, before Minnesota representative Michele Bachmann, a Republican presidential candidate, speaks.

The Sounds of Liberty has existed in different forms since the 1970s.

via PR Web



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