Liberty Counsel to Sue over Health Care

It will hurt Liberty University costs, according to Liberty Counsel. They are filing suit amongst other states and organizations over the health care overhaul. Will this go down in the history books?

Liberty Council Founder Matthew Staver says LU has great health care already, but the mandate would make the school pay more for every employee.   He says this plan would affect individual choices and decrease the quality of health care.

“If somebody can’t afford it there are certainly other ways to have the coverage availability than to mandate this kind of bureaucracy on the entire American people,” Staver said.

“That person is sitting there by himself not wanting to bother anybody and now the federal government says ‘No, you’ve got to have insurance and you’ve got to have my version of insurance otherwise I will penalize you.’ That person’s inactivity cannot, by definition, affect interstate commerce,” he said.
Staver says as soon as President Obama signs this bill into law, his lawyers will take action.



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