LU not too happy with polling location change

Liberty University is outraged with Lynchburg City Council over moving the Heritage Elementary School to
Lynchburg First Church of the Nazarene. The problem is that it’ll be troubling for LU shuttles to drop off students to vote.


“Lynchburg City Council is having a hearing Tuesday about moving a polling location from Heritage Elementary School to the Lynchburg First Church of the Nazarene on Wards Ferry Road. Students plan to show up to the hearing by the bus load.

For students they say it comes down to safety. The electoral board is talking about this Monday evening. LU student leaders say if they had their choice, they’d rather not move.

SGA President Matt Mihelic wanted council to consider Thomas Road Baptist Church or the former Circuit City Building as options, but those were voted down last week.

“If they’re totally unwilling to move it anywhere closer to our campus, at least don’t make us cross another busy road to vote. And we’d rather have it at Heritage that we would the First Church of the Nazarene,” Mihelic said.

GLTC officials say buses pulling into the church’s parking lot bottom out, so riders would have to be dropped off on the side of Wards Ferry Road.

LU Attorney and former city councilmember Bill McRorie says the church site is unsafe.

Vice Mayor Bert Dodson, Jr. said, “We have not heard from everybody in relation to the safety issue. And to make accusation that Lynchburg City Council does not care about the safety of the students is completely unfounded and unconscionable.”

Dodson says the church is only being considered as a possible location, and he hopes to hear students’ concerns.”



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