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Mark Hine’s email over LU Dem Club

I must inform you that the College democrats’ club is no longer going to be recognized as a Liberty University club. We are unable to lend support to a club whose parent organization stands against the moral principles held by Liberty University. I expressed these concerns when we met, earlier in the spring semester.

The Liberty Way states, “It is the duty of every student to respect Liberty’s Statement of Doctrine and Purpose. They may not engage in any activity on or off campus that would compromise the testimony or reputation of the University or cause disruption to Liberty’s Christian learning environment.”

The Liberty University School of Law had been working on a policy to govern their clubs and organizations for quite some time. They have now completed that policy and we have adopted it for Liberty University as well. Now that it has been adopted and will apply to all clubs and organizations, it is clear that this club does not comply.

Below is a copy of the policy which governs clubs and organizations at Liberty University. This policy is posted on the website.


Student clubs or organizations must request and receive permission from the Liberty University administration before they may meet on campus, advertise, distribute or post materials, or use any University facilities for their activities or events. All such clubs or organizations and their activities or events must be consistent with the University’s mission, and must be and remain in compliance with the Liberty Way, the Honor Code, and any policies or procedures promulgated by the University. The University reserves the right to refuse the use of its facilities for any reason to any student club, organization, activity or event.

Consistent with the Honor Code, all students, student clubs and organizations, faculty and staff of Liberty University, have a responsibility to uphold the moral and ethical standards of this institution and personally confront those who do not.

No student club or organization shall be approved, recognized or permitted to meet on campus, advertise, distribute or post materials, or use University facilities if the statements, positions, doctrines, policies, constitutions, bylaws, platforms, activities or events of such club or organization, its parent, affiliate, chapter or similarly named group (even if the similarly named group is not the actual parent, affiliate or chapter) are inconsistent or in conflict with the distinctly Christian mission of the University, the Liberty Way, the Honor Code, or the policies and procedures promulgated by the University.

Even though this club may not support the more radical planks of the democratic party, the democratic party is still the parent organization of the club on campus. The Democratic Party Platform is contrary to the mission of LU and to Christian doctrine (supports abortion, federal funding of abortion, advocates repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, promotes the “LGBT” agenda, Hate Crimes, which include sexual orientation and gender identity, socialism, etc). The candidates this club supports uphold the Platform and implement it. The candidates supported are directly contrary to the mission of LU. By using LU or Liberty University and Democrat in the name, the two are associated and the goals of both run in opposite directions.

We are removing the club from the Liberty website and you will need to cease using Liberty University’s name, including any logo, seal or mark of Liberty University. They are not to be used in any of your publications, electronic or internet, including but not limited to, any website, Facebook, Twitter or any other such publication.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mark Hine
VP for Student Affairs
Liberty University




  1. d. jesse mase d. jesse mase

    Excellent work LU. I am very proud of this move.

  2. d. jesse mase d. jesse mase

    Excellent work LU. I am very proud of this move.

  3. Justin Douglas Justin Douglas

    As a former Liberty University Student I am disappointed in this decision. I believe the Republican Party has just as much issues with the University.

    Read Romans 12:17-21

    This is not what Dick Cheney believes or any of the other “Leaders” of the Republican party.

    What about what Jesus says about Loving Our Enemies in Matthew 5:43-48.

    The point I am trying to make is that both parties have issues.

    I think the Dem Club should be able to meet and hopefully the truth of what is right and wrong will be discovered by both Clubs.

    I would like to hear what you think about this idea.

    Justin Douglas

  4. Justin Douglas Justin Douglas

    As a former Liberty University Student I am disappointed in this decision. I believe the Republican Party has just as much issues with the University.

    Read Romans 12:17-21

    This is not what Dick Cheney believes or any of the other “Leaders” of the Republican party.

    What about what Jesus says about Loving Our Enemies in Matthew 5:43-48.

    The point I am trying to make is that both parties have issues.

    I think the Dem Club should be able to meet and hopefully the truth of what is right and wrong will be discovered by both Clubs.

    I would like to hear what you think about this idea.

    Justin Douglas

  5. Jack Johnson Jack Johnson

    Another attempt to squelch those who hold opposing viewpoints.

    I doubt Jesus would be so callous and dictatorial when interacting with those with different opinions.

  6. Jack Johnson Jack Johnson

    Another attempt to squelch those who hold opposing viewpoints.

    I doubt Jesus would be so callous and dictatorial when interacting with those with different opinions.

  7. Ferris Anderson Ferris Anderson

    To believe that Jesus wouldn’t approve of socialism but would approve of waterboarding shows just how much of apostates the administration and the founders of Liberty University are. That you restrict the college democrats but continue to allow college republicans to operate show that you are directly endorsing the republican party. While as a private insitution you have the right to practice bigotry and discrimination, you are in violation of your non-profit status. Don’t be suprised by lawsuits and investigation by the IRS regading this matter.

  8. Ferris Anderson Ferris Anderson

    To believe that Jesus wouldn’t approve of socialism but would approve of waterboarding shows just how much of apostates the administration and the founders of Liberty University are. That you restrict the college democrats but continue to allow college republicans to operate show that you are directly endorsing the republican party. While as a private insitution you have the right to practice bigotry and discrimination, you are in violation of your non-profit status. Don’t be suprised by lawsuits and investigation by the IRS regading this matter.

  9. Michael Busby Michael Busby

    As someone who is currently living in a former socialist country I find the bias against socialism striking. Schools, police and fire departments, libraries are all part of the US social system and I don’t think that christians are fundamentally opposed to this. Like everyone, we would like to limit their abuses.

    Republicans are for “traditional” marriages. 50 years that did not include blacks marrying whites. This particular brand of bigotry is rare now – because it’s eligal and against the founding principles of the constitution. Likewise will be the case with gay marriages.

  10. Michael Busby Michael Busby

    As someone who is currently living in a former socialist country I find the bias against socialism striking. Schools, police and fire departments, libraries are all part of the US social system and I don’t think that christians are fundamentally opposed to this. Like everyone, we would like to limit their abuses.

    Republicans are for “traditional” marriages. 50 years that did not include blacks marrying whites. This particular brand of bigotry is rare now – because it’s eligal and against the founding principles of the constitution. Likewise will be the case with gay marriages.

  11. Michelle K. Miller Michelle K. Miller

    I want to know, exactly what “LGBT agenda” is. I am a straight ally, and my friends in the LGBT community have no “agenda.” They are not a threat to “family values,” as the argument goes. I know several gay couples who live an amazing and happy family life, with kids and all. And to dispel anymore misconceptions: gays don’t recruit (if they did, I’d be one of the many right now,) they’re not sex-crazed miscreants (even non-sexually active gays are still gay, AND gays have relationships and feelings just like those in heterosexual relationships,) and they’re not trying to protest and be against OUR marriages.

    What agenda is there? People in the LGBT community, and we, our allies, want equal rights, which are inalienable, according to our Declaration.

    The Declaration also says “ALL men were created equal.” Nothing says “ONLY straight, white, conservative men.”

    Also, the YDC was not a disruption to Liberty’s Christian learning environment. LIBERTY and its devotion to being outrageously conservative, is a disruption to Liberty’s learning environment.

  12. Michelle K. Miller Michelle K. Miller

    I want to know, exactly what “LGBT agenda” is. I am a straight ally, and my friends in the LGBT community have no “agenda.” They are not a threat to “family values,” as the argument goes. I know several gay couples who live an amazing and happy family life, with kids and all. And to dispel anymore misconceptions: gays don’t recruit (if they did, I’d be one of the many right now,) they’re not sex-crazed miscreants (even non-sexually active gays are still gay, AND gays have relationships and feelings just like those in heterosexual relationships,) and they’re not trying to protest and be against OUR marriages.

    What agenda is there? People in the LGBT community, and we, our allies, want equal rights, which are inalienable, according to our Declaration.

    The Declaration also says “ALL men were created equal.” Nothing says “ONLY straight, white, conservative men.”

    Also, the YDC was not a disruption to Liberty’s Christian learning environment. LIBERTY and its devotion to being outrageously conservative, is a disruption to Liberty’s learning environment.

  13. Michael Heath Michael Heath

    Use of the words, “Liberty”, and “University” are positively Orwellian in the hands of this institution’s administrators. This last act merely validates what was inherent in the founding of this institution.

  14. Michael Heath Michael Heath

    Use of the words, “Liberty”, and “University” are positively Orwellian in the hands of this institution’s administrators. This last act merely validates what was inherent in the founding of this institution.

  15. Unfortunately, Liberty University seems to be blind to its own biases and leanings. There are a great deal of actions and practices carried out by the Evangelical Right that do not conform to Christian doctrine; if we define “Christian” as simply that which has been the “Christian” legacy over the past two thousand years, we hardly have a thing to stand on. But, if we define “Christian” doctrine as that which is presented to us in God’s Word – we will find that our church architectural structures, our imposed clergy/laity distinction, our sermonizing, our suppression of open participation are all distinctly contrary to New Testament standards and instruction.

    This letter is not simply opposing the Democratic Party Platform; it is also raising up and supporting the Republican Party Platform. As a believer, I believe it is our duty and our right to be involved in politics. But we cannot support an entire platform. That is inconsistent with who we are as Christians. If we support anything, we support the mission of God, the missio Dei, the advancement of the Kingdom. And when the Kingdom comes in all of its glory, I have strong doubts it will bear the name “Republican.” Our greatest alliance is with Jesus Christ.

    The problem here is twofold: first, we need to clearly understand that we do not live in a Christian nation, and second, it is insane and unChristian to hold masses of people who do not believe in Christianity to the Christian standard. If we want a cultural revolution, we will never see it happen from the top down. Jesus-following is a grassroots movement. It starts at the base. And if we were really starting at the base, we would find that our nation would have no problem with Christians taking hold of higher political offices. A political system crafted on top of a people who do not want it will always fall. It is the same as putting something foreign into our bodies: our bodies will reject that which was not developed from the inside out and it will fight against a foreign body. It must start at the bottom. If, and only if, we truly believe in God’s Word, we will take Jesus’ example and follow it: he did not come as a political reformer or dictator or king or president. He did not come to establish a democracy in Israel (because democracy is the most Christian political system, right?). He reached to the lowest of the low. The rejects. The outcasts. The marginalized. If the Church were doing what it is supposed to be doing, the political left wouldn’t have to be advocating the distribution of wealth. It is you, you blind Christians, hoarding all your wealth to yourselves and believing in the power of the greatest human plans to change life, never really taking the Jesus of the Bible seriously but saying all the way that you believe in him – it is you who are the problem.

    Be radically Jesus-like.

    I will guarantee this nation will look differently.

    We live in a Lockean nation, not a Christian one. So let’s stop driving Christian ideals in the political arena and start being Jesus-like. I dare you to challenge your idea of what that means, because it certainly doesn’t look like fighting in a room full of politicians; it doesn’t look like screaming at people to “get saved” (whatever that means) through a megaphone in the middle of the street; and it doesn’t look like the Sunday morning, politically-driven, idolatrous, greedy little ego-trip of a “worship service” we see in churches across America.

    You want to talk about the mission of LU and Christian Doctrine? We can do that. But you won’t be found without hypocrisy written all over your pretty suit and tie. I’m not guiltless, either. But I’m not the one who’s going to ban a group of students who support a political platform that seems to have a compassion for people greater than any compassion I see being worked out in the hands and feet of the Church.

    If you want to convince a scared, pregnant mother that abortion is not the option she should take, I will guarantee you legislation won’t grip her heart.

    If you want to persuade a homosexual that his or her lifestyle is not in congruence with God’s will for their lives and that he has something greater, I can guarantee you that railing against leftist ideals and fighting for a Republican for president won’t transform his/her lifestyle.

    Politics won’t bring that awesome Kingdom here. Jesus does, and he does it through relationships not political agendas. Open your eyes to the numerous ways in which your own political party fails miserably to be radically Jesus-like, and search deeply to find the equally numerous ways that you fail personally to be radically Jesus-like in your finances, your family, your rote church practice, your social network, your emotional health. Then tell me if you feel just as comfortable pointing the finger across that aisle.

    I am not a “Christian first, then a Republican.”

    I am a Jesus-follower first. Then I am nothing else.


    1. Unchristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons
    2. Pagan Christianity by George Barna and Frank Viola
    3. The Barbarian Way by Erwin McManus
    4. The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne

  16. Unfortunately, Liberty University seems to be blind to its own biases and leanings. There are a great deal of actions and practices carried out by the Evangelical Right that do not conform to Christian doctrine; if we define “Christian” as simply that which has been the “Christian” legacy over the past two thousand years, we hardly have a thing to stand on. But, if we define “Christian” doctrine as that which is presented to us in God’s Word – we will find that our church architectural structures, our imposed clergy/laity distinction, our sermonizing, our suppression of open participation are all distinctly contrary to New Testament standards and instruction.

    This letter is not simply opposing the Democratic Party Platform; it is also raising up and supporting the Republican Party Platform. As a believer, I believe it is our duty and our right to be involved in politics. But we cannot support an entire platform. That is inconsistent with who we are as Christians. If we support anything, we support the mission of God, the missio Dei, the advancement of the Kingdom. And when the Kingdom comes in all of its glory, I have strong doubts it will bear the name “Republican.” Our greatest alliance is with Jesus Christ.

    The problem here is twofold: first, we need to clearly understand that we do not live in a Christian nation, and second, it is insane and unChristian to hold masses of people who do not believe in Christianity to the Christian standard. If we want a cultural revolution, we will never see it happen from the top down. Jesus-following is a grassroots movement. It starts at the base. And if we were really starting at the base, we would find that our nation would have no problem with Christians taking hold of higher political offices. A political system crafted on top of a people who do not want it will always fall. It is the same as putting something foreign into our bodies: our bodies will reject that which was not developed from the inside out and it will fight against a foreign body. It must start at the bottom. If, and only if, we truly believe in God’s Word, we will take Jesus’ example and follow it: he did not come as a political reformer or dictator or king or president. He did not come to establish a democracy in Israel (because democracy is the most Christian political system, right?). He reached to the lowest of the low. The rejects. The outcasts. The marginalized. If the Church were doing what it is supposed to be doing, the political left wouldn’t have to be advocating the distribution of wealth. It is you, you blind Christians, hoarding all your wealth to yourselves and believing in the power of the greatest human plans to change life, never really taking the Jesus of the Bible seriously but saying all the way that you believe in him – it is you who are the problem.

    Be radically Jesus-like.

    I will guarantee this nation will look differently.

    We live in a Lockean nation, not a Christian one. So let’s stop driving Christian ideals in the political arena and start being Jesus-like. I dare you to challenge your idea of what that means, because it certainly doesn’t look like fighting in a room full of politicians; it doesn’t look like screaming at people to “get saved” (whatever that means) through a megaphone in the middle of the street; and it doesn’t look like the Sunday morning, politically-driven, idolatrous, greedy little ego-trip of a “worship service” we see in churches across America.

    You want to talk about the mission of LU and Christian Doctrine? We can do that. But you won’t be found without hypocrisy written all over your pretty suit and tie. I’m not guiltless, either. But I’m not the one who’s going to ban a group of students who support a political platform that seems to have a compassion for people greater than any compassion I see being worked out in the hands and feet of the Church.

    If you want to convince a scared, pregnant mother that abortion is not the option she should take, I will guarantee you legislation won’t grip her heart.

    If you want to persuade a homosexual that his or her lifestyle is not in congruence with God’s will for their lives and that he has something greater, I can guarantee you that railing against leftist ideals and fighting for a Republican for president won’t transform his/her lifestyle.

    Politics won’t bring that awesome Kingdom here. Jesus does, and he does it through relationships not political agendas. Open your eyes to the numerous ways in which your own political party fails miserably to be radically Jesus-like, and search deeply to find the equally numerous ways that you fail personally to be radically Jesus-like in your finances, your family, your rote church practice, your social network, your emotional health. Then tell me if you feel just as comfortable pointing the finger across that aisle.

    I am not a “Christian first, then a Republican.”

    I am a Jesus-follower first. Then I am nothing else.


    1. Unchristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons
    2. Pagan Christianity by George Barna and Frank Viola
    3. The Barbarian Way by Erwin McManus
    4. The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne

  17. G S Jones G S Jones

    So Mr. Hine, what mountain, exactly, were you standing on when the Lord gave you the exact knowledge and understanding needed to suppress different political viewpoints?

    This whole affair smells like something one of the Borgia popes would have concocted. Are you learning from them, rather than Jesus?

    Just askin’..

  18. G S Jones G S Jones

    So Mr. Hine, what mountain, exactly, were you standing on when the Lord gave you the exact knowledge and understanding needed to suppress different political viewpoints?

    This whole affair smells like something one of the Borgia popes would have concocted. Are you learning from them, rather than Jesus?

    Just askin’..

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